The best teeth whiteners at the best price

There are no good teeth whiteners for less than 100 euros, so it is always more economical and safer to visit the dentist. In-office teeth whitening can be just as cost-effective, the effect will last longer and the process is less invasive.

Visiting your dentist: the importance of dental check-ups

Quantas vezes por ano vão ao dentista? Não o visite apenas quando sentir dor, muitos problemas dentários podem ser evitados se for ao dentista pelo menos uma vez por ano.

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Protect your teeth: Wear a mouthguard if you play contact sports

by Wildsmile

If you play contact sports, this article is for you. Mouthguards are a must when it involves sports where knocks are common and can cause trauma or loss of teeth - and no one wants a tooth less! That's why we tell you everything you need to know about using sports mouthguards.

What injuries can you prevent by wearing a mouthguard?

Injuries can vary depending on the strength of the impact and the area of the mouth or face where the trauma occurred. There are cases where the damage is severe, such as broken jaws, unconsciousness, and even brain hemorrhage. The most common injuries are jaw locks, internal lacerations, lip and cheek hematomas, DENTAL FISSURES, cracked tooth, or the feared loss of teeth. To help avoid all these problems, remember to put on your mouth guard before playing your sport.

Is your sport one of contact?

It is considered a contact sport those in which the confrontation or fight between the opponents is practiced, such as Boxing, Rugby, American Football, Judo, Greco-Roman Wrestling, Jiu Jitsu, TaeKwondo, Karate, Mixed Martial Arts, etc.

Types of Sports Mouthguards

There are different types of mouthguards on the market. The best by far is the one made to fit your mouth by your dentist. However, this does not mean that others do not fulfill their main objective: to take care of your mouth. There are also the prefabricated and the adaptable ones. Below, we detail each sport mouthguard:

Custom-made Mouthguard

As mentioned, these are the most recommended since they are made by your dentist. He will take a mold of your mouth, so that the mouthguard fits perfectly to your mouth.

Adaptable Mouthguard

These protectors are adjustable. When immersed in boiling water they become malleable, then they are inserted into your mouth. You will have to bite down on them so that they take the shape of your entire set of teeth.

Prefabricated Mouthguard

These are the most economical. Ready to wear and with a specific mold that may not fit your mouth. They are usually uncomfortable and bulky.

Now you know what Sports Mouthguards are, the way they protect your teeth and the different types on the market. Don't forget to wear yours every time you practice that sport you enjoy so much!

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