Crossbite : Causes and Treatment

The crossbite is the most common of all the malocclusions that exist. Although the best age to solve it is from childhood, but there are treatments that will solve the problem at any age.

Types of orthodontic treatment

Today, there are several types of orthodontic appliances that suit the economic, aesthetic and functional needs of each person. Learn about the main advantages and disadvantages of each one.

Dental Implants: We answer all your questions

How long do dental implants last? Will I be able to eat normally with dental implants? Is there a minimum age for placing them? What are the recommendations for before the procedure? What is the age limit for placing a dental implant? At Wildsmile we have compiled the most frequently asked questions that our patients do about dental implants.

Fear of the dentist in children: learn how to deal with it

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Problems in your oral health that could affect your sentimental life

by Wildsmile

A smile costs less than electricity and gives more light -Scottish proverb

Having good oral health makes us feel more confident about ourselves, as well as making us enjoy our favourite foods and smile without fear. Having missing, malpositioned, broken, stained or bad breath teeth, not only affects our quality of life, but can also bring us emotional and relationship problems.

Most common oral problems that can affect your sentimental life

Dental advances have made great progress in providing solutions to almost any problem with our teeth. So today good oral health is very possible.

Misaligned teeth

Having badly positioned teeth makes us often feel embarrassed to smile or talk to other people, what we usually do to get out of this situation is hide our mouth or socialize less. To correct our teeth we need an orthodontic treatment. This procedure will make them have a straight and uniform position, as well as a correct bite.

You may be interested in reading: TYPE OF ORTHODONTICS

Yellow teeth

Yellow or stained teeth are one of the most noticeable defects at first sight, and we often associate them with people who do not take care of their teeth and do not have good oral hygiene. This problem often provokes the dislike of others, inhibiting the desire to interact, talk and, of course, kiss. Thanks to a dental whitening or the use of dental veneers you can easily solve this problem.

Bad breath or halitosis

It is a disease that considerably affects our interpersonal relationships and more so with our couple, since the bad smell can inhibit the desire to be kissed or to be close to us or, on the contrary, we ourselves feel ashamed to be close to and kiss our beloved. This, in the long run, affects our relationship.


Lack of teeth

Losing a dental piece is one of the things we would like to never happen to us and even less to be left with that notorious empty space in our teeth. The lack of teeth not only affects the functioning of the mouth but also could affect us emotionally, since it causes us to hide our smile and stop interacting with certain people, even more so if that is that special person you love! Fortunately, dental prostheses and implants are a perfect option to continue sharing and enjoying your smile.

Check out all the options that exist to recover your lost teeth by CLICKING HERE.

Oral health definitely goes beyond our teeth and gums, if we neglect it we can be affecting other areas of the body, as well as causing us emotional problems and relationships with other people. If you suffer from any dental condition do not hesitate to go to your dentist to help you solve them!

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