The 7 most common oral diseases
by Wildsmile
The mouth is exposed to countless diseases throughout our lives, most of them preventable. Good oral hygiene. and regular visits to your dentist are more than enough to prevent and avoid suffering from these 7 most frequent oral diseases.
Good oral health
When we talk about having good dental health, we are not only referring to your teeth, but also to your mouth: lips, tongue, palate, gums, etc. By neglecting the health of your mouth you are prone to develop serious pathologies, which not only affect your teeth, but also other parts of your body such as: heart, neck, ears and even breathing problems. It is very important that you learn to detect certain discomforts and that you pay attention to the alarm signal that your body is sending you.
Which are the 7 most common oral diseases?
We will list them from the most harmless to the most serious, those that can put your health and even your life at risk.
1. Cold Sores
The herpes labialis is one of the most common diseases of the mouth, caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1. It is highly contagious when the blisters are visible and usually clears up on its own within a couple of weeks.
2. Halitosis or bad breath
Bad breath can be caused by a variety of factors, such as tobacco use, xerostomia or dry mouth, gastrointestinal pathologies, tartar on the teeth and bad oral hygiene. To read more about the causes, consequences and treatments for this treatment, click here.
3. Dental hypersensitivity
Tooth sensitivity is a sharp pain caused by exposure to heat, cold, high-sugar food and to touch. This condition is caused by receding gums, as the dentine is exposed to these stimuli.
You may be interested in reading: SENSITIVE TEETH - CAUSES, SYMPTOMS AND TREATMENT
4. Bruxism
Teeth grinding or bruxism afflicts numerous children and adults. Nowadays, there are no scientific studies that prove its origin, but it is associated with stress, sleep problems and anxiety. Bruxism damages teeth and jaw bones causing loss of dentine, headache, earache and jaw pain. Read more about the causes, consequences and solutions of this problem clicking here.
5. Tooth decay
It is by far the disease that most people suffer from worldwide according to WHO data, it is caused by bacteria that wear down the tooth enamel. If left untreated, it can lead to serious consequences such as the loss of teeth.
You may be interested in reading: DENTAL CARIES, YOU BETTER DETECT IT ON TIME!
6. Gingivitis
This disease is characterized by inflammation and bleeding of the gums, caused by the accumulation of bacteria. Just like caries, gingivitis can be prevented with constant and correct dental hygiene. Gingivitis in its more advanced cases causes tooth loss.
7. Oral Cancer
According to WHO statistics, approximately 40,000 people are diagnosed with some form of oral cancer every year. Substance abuse such as alcohol and tobacco are linked to this disease, as well as people infected with the Human Papilloma Virus can develop oral cancer.
Remember that many of these diseases are avoidable with proper and regular oral hygiene. Don't forget to visit your dentist every six months, this will also keep your mouth healthy and free from these 7 most common oral diseases.
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