Join our network of clinics

Join WILDSMILE and help create a happier World. We actively work to bring more patients to you every day.



Points earned by treatments registration are converted to €uros at the end of each month, available on WS WALLET. Learn how to use the earned amount.


More Commissions

Earn an extra monthly through selling WILDSMILE Plans. Transfer any earned balance directly to your bank account.


Exclusive Discounts

Get access to exclusive discounts at our Professional Store. We have everything you need for your clinic to work at incredible prices.



Count on our team to support you. We have several channels available to help you daily, answer your questions and increase your revenue.

What can I get with WILDSMILE?

Increase your clinic's visibility, patient volume and get new appointments through WILDSMILE.

Take advantage of our simple and modern platform that will enable you to improve your revenues and reduce costs. Earn €uros for all treatments performed and registered.

Earn even an extra monthly with commissions for selling WILDSMILE Plans.

Membership is easy, fast and free! Do not waste time. JOIN NOW!

Join WILDSMILE today!