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Crossbite : Causes and Treatment

by Wildsmile

The crossbite is the most common of all the malocclusions that exist. Although the best age to solve it is from childhood, but there are treatments that will solve the problem at any age.

The way we bite and how our teeth fit together once the jaw is closed is a very important factor to observe, because if we do not have a correct bite, it can lead to a series of problems in the long run. Crossbite is the most common malocclusion in the world. Are you interested in finding out more about crossbite, its causes and treatments? In this article, we tell you all about it.

What is crossbite?

According to dental health specialists, crossbite is a kind of malocclusion where there is no correct interposition between the maxillary bones and teeth. In other words, the upper teeth when closing the mouth are placed behind the lower teeth. In general, patients with crossbite also have a narrow bony cavity.

Possible causes of crossbite

There are several reasons why a person may suffer from crossbite. The most common are:

-Poor or incomplete bone development


-Deficient nutrition

-Bad habits such as thumb sucking, tongue placement in unnatural positions and mouth breathing.

Treatments for crossbite

The best age to solve this malocclusion is from infancy. At 6 is the ideal age to take children to a paediatric orthodontist, as at this age it is very easy and quick to solve this and other types of malocclusion because the development of the jaws has not yet been completed. These treatments can be classified as follows:

Removable appliance

This is only used in children, to expand the upper palate and thus expand the bone cavity. This type of appliance has a system, which makes the appliance extend its length from time to time, achieving the adequate opening of the arch after a few months.

Fixed appliance

This is usually used in teenagers and adults; it has the same function as the one for children. In the most severe cases, it is necessary to resort to orthognathic surgery to modify the size of the maxillary bone.

You may be interested in reading: TYPES OF ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT

As we always advise, the best thing to do is to go to an orthodontic specialist, as they will design the best treatment for your problem. You can request your consultation at any of our partner clinics HERE, and remember that if you have a Wildsmile dental plan, consultations are free, and you will save more than 50% ON YOUR ORTHODONTICS!

Still don't have your plan? See all our advantages and sign up for Wildsmile, the dental plan with the best coverage! CLICK HERE.

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