Find out how to save on your orthodontic treatment

Orthodontic and implant dentistry treatments are often expensive, which is why many people are opting for this option. Find out how to save up to 50% on your orthodontics and all your dental treatments.

Orthodontics with braces or invisible dental aligners: Costs, duration, advantages and disadvantages

Invisible aligners or conventional braces? Orthodontics with conventional brackets is a highly effective solution for all types of orthodontic problems, while invisible aligners, in addition to the esthetic advantage, provide comfort as they are removable, allowing you to eat normally and making it easier to clean your teeth.

Sensitive teeth - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

If you drink an ice cream, drink a coffee or have a comforting soup, they become a torture instead of giving you the pleasant moment for which these foods were created, you suffer from dental sensitivity.


Dental prostheses in Spain and Portugal: types and best prices

by Wildsmile

Are you looking for a dental prosthesis? At Wildsmile we have the right one for you, according to your case or need. Furthermore, we want you to always be able to smile with confidence! With our Starter, Smart and Premium oral plans, you can save on this and more than 760 other dental treatments.

When do you need a dental prosthesis?

You need a denture if you have lost or broken a tooth. A denture is the best replacement for a tooth. At Wildsmile we use the best materials and professionals, so you won't notice any difference.   

Por otro lado, si no cuentas con varias piezas dentales, en lugar de una prótesis dental para una sola pieza, necesitarías una prótesis fija o removible completa, es decir, lo que se conoce como una dentadura postiza.   

Diferencia entre prótesis fija y prótesis removible

All dental prostheses that only aim to restore one tooth are fixed. On the other hand, when the patient has few or no teeth, the prosthesis can be fixed or removable.   

Dentures aim to improve the entire functioning of the mouth, at the maxillary, bite and aesthetic level. Some patients prefer these prostheses to be removable.

In this case, they should be removed at least once a day and kept moist at night. It is also highly recommended to remove them when brushing to make brushing complete and more effective.

There are wide differences between fixed and removable dentures or dental plates. To find out which is the most suitable for you, you can contact us.

How can we help you at Wildsmile?

At Wildsmile we have a wide network of dental professionals who can help you. We have clinics all over Spain and Portugal, in fact, all you have to do is search on our website for your nearest clinic and come and see us for advice.

We have different monthly plans to suit your pocket. The aim is that when you need, for example, a dental prosthesis, the price will be much lower and you will have access to much more help, professionals, etc.

Prices for a dental prosthesis in Wildsmile

If you need a dental prosthesis, you can count on us. We help you to enjoy the best fixed or removable dentures in the shortest period of time, and with the help of the best professionals.

You can consult our different rates on our website, which vary according to the plan you have contracted: starter, smart and premium. For example, the price of a removable prosthesis starts at 71 €, which is 63% cheaper than the average price in clinics. For more information, we suggest you contact us directly, so that we can give you a personalised quote for the cost of your dental prosthesis.

Contact us

Are you interested in having your dental prosthesis with us? You already know the advantages and if you want to know more about what we can offer you in our different associated clinics, as well as our prices and promotions, the best thing to do is to contact us.

Want to learn more about this?

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