The 7 most common oral diseases

Learn about the 7 most common oral diseases that affect millions of people around the world every year. Pay special attention to #7!

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Sensitive teeth - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

by Wildsmile

This problem is characterized by producing a sharp, intense and temporary pain when we eat or drink very cold, very hot, sweet or acidic foods.

If you drink an ice cream, drink a coffee or have a comforting soup, they become a torture instead of giving you the pleasant moment for which these foods were created, you suffer from dental sensitivity.

What causes that pain? The dentin contact, which is the part below the tooth enamel, with food.

Causes of Sensitive Teeth

Gum retraction

When the gums separate from the teeth, they expose a part of the nerves that are part of the root of the teeth. The causes that cause the gums to retract are:

- Aggressive brushing

- Periodontal disease

- Gingivitis

- Smoking

- Poor dental hygiene (when we don't floss, tartar can build up and cause the gum to separate from the tooth.

Enamel wear

Either by the passing of the years or by bad practices we carry out, the enamel may suffer and, to some extent, disintegrate. This makes it porous and permeable. Therefore, when we consume certain foods and drinks, they come into contact with dentin and pain occurs. The causes that lead to enamel wear are:

- Acidic or very sweet foods

- Aggressive brushing

- Bruxism

- Gastric reflux

Symptoms of tooth sensitivity

  • - Intense and localized pain
  • - Appears before an external stimulus
  • - It disappears when the causative factor loses contact with the tooth

Consequences of tooth sensitivity

When we suffer from tooth sensitivity, we can expect to encounter the following consequences:

  • - Poor dental hygiene
  • - Cavities
  • - Gum disease
  • - Deprive us of eating certain foods

When experiencing pain before the contact of the toothbrush, something that occurs especially in cases of gum retraction, it becomes very difficult to carry out deep and effective hygiene. This lack of hygiene can lead to oral diseases, such as tooth decay or gum disease.

Finally, we will be deprived of allowing ourselves those little indulgences that we like so much, such as an ice cream on a hot summer day, a drink with lots of ice on the edge of the pool or a delicious bowl of soup on those days when the Snow stains our landscapes white.

Treatment for Sensitive Teeth

It is not necessary that you carry this disease on your shoulders or, rather, between teeth. Fortunately, there are several treatments that take away this ailment from you and give you back the quality of life you used to have before starting to experience this annoying sensitivity:


Either in the office or at home, fluoride applications are intended to strengthen the enamel, which blocks the channels between the dentin and the oral environment.

Adhesive restoration

It is the application of resin on the exposed part of the dental roots. This material acts as a barrier between the nerves of the roots and the oral environment.

Gum graft

It consists of taking gum tissue from a part of the mouth where it abounds, to graft it in the areas where there is retraction.


When sensitivity persists despite having resorted to other treatments, it may be necessary to remove the nerve from the tooth, since, beyond the cause of pain, it always occurs through the dental nerve.

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