5 signs that you may need an orthodontic treatment
by Wildsmile
Orthodontics is one of the most effective treatments for a beautiful and perfect smile. But beyond the aesthetic aspects, having the correct positioning of the teeth brings great benefits to the functionality of our mouth. What are the signs that indicate that we may need an orthodontic treatment?
Not only for aesthetics, but also for health
But... what does it mean to have a perfect smile? Having well aligned teeth does not necessarily mean that you have a good oral health, there are other pathologies that also affect the health of your mouth. Did you know that having a bad bite can cause disorders in the muscles and the temporomandibular joint? This can result in head, neck, shoulder and back pain. So orthodontics not only has aesthetic benefits, but also functional ones, which in the end is the most important thing.
You may be interested on reading: ORTHODONTICS, WHAT IS IT AND HOW DOES IT WORK?
5 signs that you may need an orthodontic treatment
There are signs that at first sight will give you a clue that you are a candidate for orthodontic treatment, but it is best to visit an orthodontist, as they are who are best qualified to treat this type of pathology. Here are 5 signs that indicate you need an orthodontic treatment:
Open bite
This happens when you close your mouth and there is no contact between some upper teeth and the lower teeth.
This is when the upper front teeth completely or partially cover the lower teeth.
Separated teeth
Due to an excess of space or size, the teeth separate, leaving a space between them.
Cross bite
Occurs when the upper teeth are behind the lower teeth.
Crowded teeth
This is when the teeth overlap each other from the birth of the permanent teeth.
These are some of the signs that indicate that we are candidates for orthodontic treatment and show off a beautiful smile, or rather, a healthy smile!
Did you identified with these signs? We have good news, with Wildsmile you can save on your orthodontic treatment and over 760 other dental treatments. Find out about our Wildsmile dental plans by CLICKING HERE.
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