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The smile that endears

by Wildsmile

¿Do you know the benefits of smiling?, Do you want to feel comfortable with your smile? Do you have an oral problem that stops you from smiling? Having the smile you've always wanted is possible, find out how in this article!

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Orthodontics, what is it and how does it work?

by Wildsmile

The objective of orthodontics is to correct misaligned teeth. This treatment lasts an average of one and a half years and includes 7 phases: Study, alignment, correction, space closure, finishing , removal and retention.

How to take care of your baby’s Oral Health

by Wildsmile

Oral hygiene is one of the habits that will remain with your child throughout life. So, like daily bathing and hair brushing, cleaning their teeth has the same or even much greater importance.

Dental care, the importance of flossing

by Wildsmile

Flossing is an essential part of any oral health care routine because it removes food residues and plaque between the teeth, thus preventing dental problems such as cavities, bad breath and periodontal disease.

Dental Caries, you better detect it on time!

by Wildsmile

Once a dental caries appears, there is no going back. It is essential to visit the dentist to detect and eliminate such problems on time; otherwise, for a dental caries not treated on time, the only solution will be tooth extraction.